Many moms discover that pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding alter their bodies in unwelcome ways. And sometimes, even the most rigorous diet and exercise are insufficient for regaining a pre-pregnancy figure. A mommy makeover allows women to correct some of these changes to their bodies.

Each mommy makeover is tailored to address the patient’s specific needs and aesthetic goals and help restore a sense of confidence and contentment. Learn more about your Mommy Makeover options with Dr. Vivian Ting in Walnut Creek, CA.

Mommy Makeover Explained

A mommy makeover is a combination of different procedures performed at once, all designed to help the patient restore their body to pre-pregnancy form.

The procedure begins with a careful assessment, allowing Dr. Ting to perform a medical examination, collect your medical history, and talk with you about your cosmetic goals. Based on this discussion, Dr. Ting will recommend a sequence of surgical procedures to help you achieve your desired appearance.

The specific procedures involved with a mommy makeover may include procedures to address lost breast volume, droopy breast shape, or even breasts that have become too large. Additionally, a Mommy Makeover may target issues with the abdominal area through a tummy tuck or the vaginal area through vaginal rejuvenation.

Each mommy makeover is unique, and the best way to learn about the specific options is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ting.

What are the Key Benefits?

The most significant benefit of the Mommy Makeover is that it allows you to address multiple areas of your body that cause you to feel self-conscious or dissatisfied. While a Mommy Makeover cannot offer a full restoration of your pre-pregnancy form, it can help to correct some of the most prominent concerns, including stubborn weight gain and lost breast volume.

There are also a number of benefits to having these different surgeries done at the same time, as opposed to having each procedure done separately. A mommy makeover allows you to handle several concerns with just a single surgical session, limiting your time under anesthesia. As such, it reduces your surgical risk and your surgical expense. In some instances, it may also minimize the number of incisions you require.

Additionally, having a single surgical procedure means only one recovery time. This limits the help you will need with childcare, as well as the amount of time you need to take off from work.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best way to determine whether you qualify for a safe and successful mommy makeover is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Vivian Ting.

It is Generally Ideal For

The best candidates for a mommy makeover tend to be fairly active and in good overall physical health. While they may have concerns about stubborn belly fat or saggy skin deposits, they have achieved a bodyweight that is healthy and manageable.

Ideal candidates do not have any underlying health conditions that would place them at greater surgical risk or any conditions preventing them from properly healing.

Additionally, the best candidates for a Mommy Makeover take the time to consult with their plastic surgeon and develop realistic expectations about the surgery, the recovery, and the potential outcomes. They understand that a Mommy Makeover can produce life-changing results but that it will not restore them to their exact pre-baby body.

It is Not So Great For

We do not recommend Mommy Makeovers for women whose weight constantly fluctuates or their medical history places them in a high-risk group.

Pregnancy Specific Questions

Many women have questions about their Mommy Makeover eligibility and how it relates to their family planning. Here are a couple of the most common pregnancy-specific inquiries.

Can I Get a Mommy Makeover if I Have Not Had Children?

“Mommy Makeover” is a broad term that simply denotes a series of surgeries performed during the same session; typically, these include procedures to address the breasts and the abdomen. The procedure is most common among women looking to undo some of the bodily effects of pregnancy and childbirth, but you do not have to be a mom to have these procedures done.

Should I Wait Until I am Done Having Children?

It is generally recommended that you put off your mommy makeover until you are fairly sure you are done having children. This is not because a mommy makeover will complicate your pregnancy, but rather that pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding may undo the results of your surgery.

How Old Do I Have to Be?

There is no age limit, and Dr. Ting will be more interested in your health status than your age. Learn more about your eligibility by scheduling an assessment here in our Walnut Creek practice.

Before and After – Results

A Mommy Makeover can make a world of difference, not just to your body but to your self-confidence. See for yourself by browsing patient images in our before-and-after gallery.

What Procedures Are Involved with a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover may encompass any number of procedures, just depending on your personal goals. In some cases, it may include procedures such as liposuction or labiaplasty. In other instances, breast reduction may be included. Most common are procedures that address weight gain around the abdomen as well as loss of volume in the breasts:

Breast Augmentation and/or Breast Lift Surgery

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can sometimes diminish the size of your breasts. To restore your breasts to their previous volume, Dr. Ting may recommend having a breast augmentation. On the other hand, a breast lift addresses unwanted changes to the shape of your breasts or nipples. With a breast lift, you can correct sagginess and droopiness. Some patients need only one of these two procedures, but many mommy makeovers will include both of them, optimizing the final result.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Pregnancy may leave you with significant weight gain around your abdomen, including stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise cannot seem to address. A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, may be an ideal solution. This procedure involves the removal of excess skin, as well as the fortification of your stomach muscles, which may have become weakened during childbirth. Through a tummy tuck surgery, you can achieve a flat, toned tummy, finally getting rid of that post-pregnancy belly fat.


During a liposuction procedure, Dr. Ting will drain unwanted fat cells from your body, most often your abdominal area. The result can be significant body contouring, bringing you much closer to your pre-pregnancy shape. Liposuction can be especially effective when paired with a tummy tuck, allowing you to lose unwanted fat and ensure a tight, strong belly area.

The Procedure Process Explained

Because each Mommy Makeover is unique, the process can vary from one patient to the next. We occasionally offer modifications for patients who need them or can tolerate them, such as offering “awake” procedures instead of full sedation. Here is the general process of getting a mommy makeover:

The Consultation

During your initial consultation, you can expect Dr. Ting to perform a physical evaluation and ask some questions about your medical history. Dr. Ting will talk with you about your activity level, including any sports you play, and inquire about your cosmetic goals. All of this information helps Dr. Ting ensure you are a good candidate for a mommy makeover and determines what your mommy makeover should include.

What Should I Do in Preparation?

The most important thing you can do to prepare is coordinate someone to help you during your recovery. This may be a parent, sibling, spouse, or close friend. You will certainly need someone to drive you home following your surgery, and ideally, you will need to have someone stay with you for at least a week, caring for your kids and helping around the house.

Before your surgery, you will be given more specific instructions about any medications you need to discontinue, as well as any nutritional guidelines you need to follow on the eve of your mommy makeover.

How Many Sessions are Involved?

Generally speaking, the appeal of a mommy makeover is that it allows you to have multiple procedures done with just a single surgical session. Indeed, one of the main benefits is that you only need to receive anesthesia a single time, decreasing your risk of any complications.

With that said, you can also anticipate at least one pre-surgery appointment and one follow-up visit to verify that your body is healing properly.

What is it Like During Surgery? Is it Painful?

While we occasionally recommend that patients have their procedure “awake,” we generally perform mommy makeovers under anesthesia. This means that you will not experience any pain or physical discomfort during the procedure itself.

Dr. Ting will talk with you in advance about the available anesthesia and sedation options and guide you toward selecting the option that will ensure the most comfortable surgery and the most expedient recovery.

What Should I Expect in Terms of Recovery?

Recovery from a mommy makeover can vary depending on the specific procedures you have done, as well as your body’s own ability to heal. Most patients will need to spend at least a week resting and healing, and it may be a month before you are cleared to resume vigorous exercise.

Swelling, bruising, and pain are all common symptoms of the recovery period, but we can provide aftercare tips to help you manage these symptoms. Prescription pain relievers may also help.

What are the Costs Involved in a Mommy Makeover?

As you think about getting a Mommy Makeover, it is only natural to ask about the cost. The specific dollar amount will vary from patient to patient, depending on a range of factors.

Keep in mind that having a Mommy Makeover will generally help you reduce cost, as opposed to having a number of different procedures done independently. By combining these procedures into a single session, you can reduce the cost of anesthesia as well as the fee required for your operating suite.

The Procedures You Ultimately Opt For

As for specific costs, one of the biggest considerations is the specific procedures you choose to have. For example, a patient who has a breast lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction may have a different cost than the patient who just has a breast lift and labiaplasty.

Surgeon’s Fees

Since your surgeon’s fees will also contribute to your final cost, scheduling a single surgery is more cost-effective than having multiple surgeries done independently.

The Facility

Opting for a mommy makeover will help you save money, as you only need to use the facility a single time.


The type of anesthesia or sedation used during your procedure can also have a big impact on cost, especially if the services of a trained anesthesiologist are required.

Medical Tests

In some instances, medical testing may be needed to ensure your eligibility for a safe, successful procedure. These tests can add to the final cost of your mommy makeover.

Prescription Medications

Prescription medications will generally be required, including painkillers as well as antibiotics.

Follow-Up Visits

You can anticipate needing at least one or two follow-up visits simply to verify that your body is healing the way it is supposed to.

Other Things to Consider Before Getting a Mommy Makeover

Getting a Mommy Makeover is a big decision, and it is only natural to have plenty of questions. As you consider all aspects of the surgery and recovery, we encourage you to read about the most common inquiries we get from our Mommy Makeover patients.

Are There Any Risks Involved?

Anytime you have surgery, there is at least some level of risk. With a mommy makeover, the biggest risks tend to be those associated with anesthesia. We minimize risk by conducting comprehensive patient evaluations, only approving patients for Mommy Makeovers when they are in good health overall. Additionally, you can reduce your risk of complications by making sure that you carefully follow all aftercare instructions provided to you by Dr. Ting.

Should I Really Get a Mommy Makeover? Is it Really Worth it for You?

The decision to get a Mommy Makeover is a highly personal one. Ultimately, you are the only one who can decide whether it is a journey you wish to go on. We can tell you upfront that getting a Mommy Makeover will not completely restore you to your pre-pregnancy figure, but it will provide significant, life-changing results. Most patients who have a Mommy Makeover are extremely satisfied with their results and happy about their decision.

Will I Need to Request Extensive Time Off from Work?

Any time you have surgery, it is important to allow your body the time it needs to rest and recover. The specific amount of time you will need depends on your own body and the procedures you have done. Generally, patients are encouraged to take at least a week to 10 days off from work. Most patients can return to the office after that unless they have a job that requires heavy lifting or strenuous activity.

What About Scars After the Surgery?

The prominence of your scars, along with their position, depends on the specific procedures you choose. Your scars will be most prominent right after the surgery and will fade over time. Proper aftercare will help them fade further, and many patients find that their scars are only faintly visible.

How Long Will My Results Last?

For some surgeries, the results may last a lifetime. For others, the results may begin to fade after several years. The longevity of your results depends very much on your body, as well as the extent to which you comply with the aftercare instructions Dr. Ting provides you.

Does My Insurance Cover the Procedure?

Insurance policies all differ, and it is worth checking the terms of your specific policy. With that said, a mommy makeover will generally be considered aesthetic, as opposed to functional. As such, most insurance policies will be of limited help. Keep in mind that we do offer financing options here at our office.

Get a Mommy Makeover Today!

Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can all be infinitely rewarding experiences. Most moms will be quick to say that they would not change these experiences for the world. With that said, some of the physical side effects can be unwanted.

With a Mommy Makeover, you can get much closer to your pre-baby physique and address some of the biggest problem areas with your body. We would love to tell you more about how an individualized Mommy Makeover can make a difference in your life. Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Vivian Ting.