Laser therapy represents one of the safest, most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin, creating a more youthful appearance without requiring surgical intervention. At Veritas Plastic Surgery in Walnut Creek, CA, we are pleased to offer treatments via the advanced Sciton JOULE™, a state-of-the-art laser on the market that provides a range of in-office applications. The Sciton Joule allows us to carefully consider the needs of each patient, and choose a treatment modality that is aligned with their skin type and aesthetic goals.

One of the most common options is the Sciton BBL (broadband laser) treatment. Learn more about its amazing benefits.

Why Choose Sciton BBL?

The Sciton BBL application uses infrared, invisible light to improve the appearance of the skin’s outer layer while also revitalizing older skin cells deeper within the dermis. The Sciton BBL is a popular option because it is gentle, safe, and effective for most skin types. It also provides solutions for a host of common skin concerns, including sun spots, age spots, fine lines, and rosacea.

Laser treatments are administered with topical anesthesia, providing little to no discomfort during the process. While some redness may occur after treatment, it typically lasts for no more than two to five days.

Is Sciton BBL Right for Me?

Sciton BBL is a great option for patients looking to achieve clearer, more radiant skin. Most importantly, it is a safe option for most skin types and something you will likely qualify for. To find out more, schedule a consultation at Veritas Plastic Surgery.